Hazi Manfool Manglia
Hazan Mehmuda Manglia
Abdul Majid Manglia
I am Abdul Majeed Manglia s/o Shamsuddin s/o Khadir Khan Manglia. At age 27 I went to USA in 1970. I am living in USA for last 41 years. I visited Ridmalsar in 1991 and in 2007. I will come again in Febraury 2012 Insha Allah. I am pleased to see the website of Ridmalsar, the birth place of my parents, grand parents, I and my wife. I visited this Masjid with my uncle Fayyaz Mohammad Manglia in 2007. It is good that Masjid is rebuilt and is taller than before. It is very unfortunate that Muslims of India do not allow Muslim women to attend Juma prayers by giving a separate hall for women so they can also learn Islam from Juma Khutbahs and other programs for ladies to learn basics of Islam and how to raise their children. In USA Muslims build Masjids with separate enterance and prayer hall for women. We have lectures for women as well as for men on Sundays and Fridays with a video Camera in front of Imam and closed circuit television in women's prayer hall so women can see Imam and listen the Khutnah also. New Masjids are building women's hall on top of Men's prayer hall. Every Masjid has Sunday Islamic School for children. Elders of Ridmalsar Masjid should employee a Imam who has good Knowledge of Islam and leadership quality so he can mediate problems between village families to promote good relations between families and keep families united for the cause of giving knowledge of Islam to all children. I didn't like the Molvee Sahab of this Masjid from UP when I visited Masjid in 2007. His Juma Khutbah reflected his poor knowledge of Quran and Islam. Off course Masjid elders have to pay good salary to a knowledgeable Imam. I am retired since 1995 and live on my pension. I am not rich as people always expect for those who live in America. But I am willing to contribute some money for the salary of Imam if elders of Masjid employee a knowledgeable Imam with the help of some Darul Uloom where they teach Alims. Sunni Muslims association of India can also help find a good Imam for Masjid who can teach small boys and girls to learn basic Islamic studies and how to read Quran and can give decent khutbah on Friday.
Our women in village have no knowledge about Islam. Majority of families in Village do not have Quran in their homes. Those who have Quran, they do not have translation in Hindi, so they can read and learn what Allah says in Quran. That is why majority of men, women, boys and girls do not pray 5 daily Namaz nor fast in the month of Ramazan. All day they talk about other women which is mainly gossip. When a mother has no knowledge of Islam, how can she develop Islamic personality of her children. Our children are born and raised in USA, but they have more knowledge of Islam than we had when we were in Pakistan at age 15. My daughters never left home without coverint their hair and dressed properly. Now they are mothers of their own children and giving good Islamic education to their children. I wish that some one writes history of Ridmalsar Village on this web site, how and from where Muslim families first came and settled in this village, which families settled here first, who were the pioneers and leaders of this village. Who are the elders of village now with their photos so I can meet them when I visit again in 2012. I asked few people about the history of village but they could not tell me much. May Allah bless all residents of this village with light of Islam. Ameen. |