Article archive

famous personalities of Ridmalsar

15/06/2013 14:20
Famous Personalities of Ridmalsar Bikaner India who left their foot prints on the earth Teju Khan Panwar,Jalaldeen Sameja,Mohd.Hussain Kohri,Kammu Khan panwar,Ismail Khan Sameja,Yunas Ali kallar,Heere Khan Panwar,Hassan Khan sameja,Nek Mohd.Parihar,Imaam Deen Panwar,Saraz Khan sameja,Jalal Khan...

Mirza wali ursh Ridmalsar Bikaner India

27/03/2013 15:51
Mirza wali ursh Ridmalsar Bikaner India

Abdul Zabbar Tanwar (Hazi)

18/03/2013 17:20
Born 23 December 1928 in Ridmalsar Bikaner at house of Late Janab Gulab Khan Tanwar Now 85 yrs old Hazi Abdul Zabbar Tanwar of one of them who studied upto B.A.B.Ed,D.P.Ed. and L.L.B and posted as a headmaster in Upper Primary School Ridmalsar Sipahiyan 04 August 1947. Since then he has...

Iqbal Hussain Panwar

03/03/2013 19:20
  Born at Kammu Khan Panwar’s house in Ridmalsar Bikaner India Mr. Iqbal Hussain Panwar struggled since his childhood and became a police officer (A.S.I. Rajasthan Police) who was famous for his turn out and was known as a Prince at his Police stations. He always helped the poor people. He...

History of Sipahi Samaz (muslim)

01/03/2013 21:45
History of Muslim Sipahi Samaz  मुस्लिम सिपाही समाज का इतिहास   मारवाड़ मैं मुसलमान राजपूत जगह जगह पाए जाते है.ये सिपाही कहलाते हैं.इनमे हर कौम के राजपूत शामिल है.जो मुसलमानी राज में मुसलमान बनाये गए थे.राजपूतों को मुसलमान बनाने का सिलसला लगभग मुहम्मद बिन कासिम  की चढ़ाई से संवत...

About Us

01/03/2013 14:52
This group is exclusively made for the people who belongs to Panwar’Sameja, Samma , Junejo, bhati, Joiya,Kohri’ Manglio ‘Manglia ‘Unar ‘Kallar,Tanwar,Parihar,Rajar etc dynasty. We are basically from Ridmalsar Bikaner India and now we are all over the world. Here in this group we can share our...

New event

01/03/2013 14:51
This is a sample event description. You can edit this description as you wish or remove the entire event.
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